We have discovered there are counterfeit KICKER products being sold online by unauthorized Internet retailers. The best way to ensure you are purchasing genuine KICKER products ALWAYS is to make sure you are buying from an Authorized KICKER Retailer.
To verify a retailer is authorized, go to kicker.com/dealer-locator. There you will find a complete list of all Authorized KICKER Dealers, including Authorized Internet retailers. If the Internet retailer you intend to purchase from is not on the list, they are not authorized. If you are still unsure, contact our Customer Service department at (405) 624-8510 and we will be happy to assist you.
When installing KICKER amplifiers (car or marine) in a boat or other vehicle/environment where flammable fuel vapors can accumulate rather than dissipate, you must use appropriate MARINE fuses, MARINE fuse holders, and MARINE wiring to minimize the risk of fire or explosion.
Prolonged, continuous operation of an amplifier, speaker, or subwoofer In an over-powered, distorted, or clipped manner may cause your audio system to overheat and catch fire. To prevent property damage :
Your KICKER product can produce sound levels that can permanently damage hearing! To prevent possible permanent hearing loss :
Refer to Owner's Manual for additional safety information.